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Pastor Jon Bailey


My passion to be in ministry with others.  My call into ministry was to be with people.  I love to hear where God is working in the lives of others; and, God is working in everyone's life.  I find that for us to accomplish all those desires and aspirations we have in our hearts of a better version of the world–a place of peace, of justice, and a place of empathy for all–we must work together through the grace of God.  It takes you using our talents, and me honing mine. By listening, helping, and serving the world starts to look like a better version of itself; where we work, play, and live becomes a better place to be.  

Where I feel closest to God is out in nature with an early morning sunrise or on a crisp fall day crunching leaves as I go for a walk.  I fancy myself as an avid woodworker who makes fine furniture, but mostly I just carve larger pieces of wood into more interesting smaller pieces of wood.  I love cycling around the Des Moines metro area.  This is where I do a lot of my thinking, praying, and catch a glimpse of my sermon to come. I have a loving family, a wife who is a talented clergy person serving as chaplain at Simpson College, and two children who I love dearly.  

I grew up in the United Methodist Church as the son of a fully ordained elder who served in Iowa for over 47 years.  My call came after high-school and continues into today.  Most importantly I want to hear where you are being called to serve, love and build strong relationships.


M.Div Perkins School of Theology 2010

B.A. Religious Studies Simpson College 2006

Our mission is to

Build God centered relationships through acts of love.

We do this by loving God,

       learning together, and leaning a hand.


Windsor United Methodist Church has a deep concern for those in need.  Whether it is helping to combat food insecurity or helping those with addiction Windsor UMC continues to work towards a better tomorrow.  We at Windsor UMC understand that everyone has gifts and the ability to create change.  Your gifts are vital to make the world a better place to live, work, and find joy.  


We have been on the corner of 63rd and University Ave. since 1950 and continue into today–providing a place where hope is declared and peace is sought after.  God remains at the center of all the work our congregation does.    


Why has God placed a community of faith at the corner of 63rd and University? Why has God continued to sustain this congregation over the many years? Why are you & I part of this community of faith?


Simply because God remains here to declare to a busy world that Windsor UMC is a place where you & I can worship God and find peace, where we can learn from God's Word and from each other as we grow in our faith, and where we can make a difference in our community by lending a hand to those in need.


Come to the corner of 63rd and University and find your place in the Kingdom of God: "Come home to Windsor!"



Windsor UMC

History of the Church

Many vehicles pass the corner of 63rd Street and University Avenue, the corner where God has placed a church building and a group of believers since 1950.


In 1948, two acres of land were purchased, and the 17th Methodist church in the Des Moines area was begun. A Quonset-hut shaped building was built in November, 1950.  Twenty-five interested families pledged to support the church with their attendance and financial resources.


The corner of 63rd and University began.  Through the subsequent years and decades, several changes and additions were made to the building in 1961 and 1987.  There was no longer a Quonset-hut shaped building, but a beautiful sanctuary with stained glass windows which represent the promise God has in store for all of us–a promise of hope and beauty.

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